Tuesday, April 8, 2008

How To Get Rock Hard Abs

Being a person who does daily workouts I have come to find out that working my abs has been difficult if you don't know what exactly to do or how to work them. I have spent numerous hours searching all over the internet for the right exercises and methods. I've tried everything but then I started working my abs in a different way, my own method that I believe works very well. Here I will be telling you what you need in order to get hard abs and what you can do to get the results you want in weeks or even less!

Things You’ll Need:
Will Power

Step 1: Lose a pound of body fat every week until you get your desired results. Unfortunately, you cannot spot reduce body fat. In order to see your abs you must rid yourself of total body fat. For every pound of fat you wish to get rid of, you have to burn an extra 3,500 calories more than you eat. So start off slow and burn 500 calories more a day than you consume—at the end of seven days you will have lost 1 lb. of unwanted fat. Shedding body fat can be done by what I think is the best way, and that's Cardio.

Step 2: Cardio, Cardio, Cardio. Do at least 1 hour of aerobic exercise per day at your optimal fat burning zone on an empty stomach if possible. The optimal zone has to do with heart rate during exercise and is the best way to get rid of stored body fat. To figure this out use this formula: based on how fit you are, train at 60 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate (220 minus your age). Keeping your heart at a steady constant rate like this forces your body to draw energy from two sources: glycogen (converted and stored carbohydrates) and stored body fat. If you are somehow able to do this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, you will have a greater chance of just drawing energy from fat stores. This is because after 8 to 12 hours without food, your glycogen stores will be depleted.

Step 3:Reduce or eliminate your complex carbohydrate (rice, breads, pasta) consumption towards the end of the day. Have those more with breakfast and lunch. Also do your best to avoid simple carbohydrates (fructose) especially towards the end of the day.

Step 4: Really do your best to have your last meal at least 3 hours before going to bed.

Step 5: Train your abs hard! While you won't see them until the body fat percentage has dropped to the required level, your abs will be stronger and appear more defined once it has.

Step 6: Weight train to build more lean muscle. More muscle means a faster metabolism.

Step 7: Drink lots of water and get plenty of rest.

Tips & Warnings:
- Getting a trainer or a workout partner can help.
- Be patient—this will not happen overnight.
- Get a heart rate monitor to make sure you are in the right target heart rate during your workouts.
- Check out fatburn.com to monitor your calories and chart your progress.

Bench Crunch (Upper Abs)

Start Position

Simply lie on the floor with your feet positioned atop a bench (or chair). Your knees should be bent at a 90-degree angle. Place your hands gently on the sides of your head and take a deep breath.

The Movement

Then, concentrate on flexing the upper abdominal muscles, pushing your lower back into the floor, and slowly curl your shoulders toward your knees as you breathe out. Aim your elbows toward your knees, flexing the ab muscles more with each inch your elbows move upward and inward. When your shoulders and upper back have curled up off the floor and your elbows are six to eight inches from your knees, hold that position for a count of "one-thousand-one, one-thousand-two" and flex those abs while pushing down with your lower back! Then, slowly return to the starting position while you breathe in. Pause for a moment, and then repeat.

Hip Up (Lower Abs)

Start Position

Lie on your back with your legs pointing straight up toward the ceiling, perpendicular to the floor. Keep your legs straight without locking your knees. Put your hands, palms down, under your butt, and keep your head on the floor as you look up at the ceiling.

The Movement

With your feet together and your legs straight, use your lower abs to elevate your hips off the floor or bench and slowly roll them toward your chest. When your feet are over your head, pause and contract your lower abs for two seconds. Then slowly release down to the starting position. Repeat.

Cross Crunch (Obliques)

Start Position

Lie on your back, knees bent, so your left foot is resting flat on the floor. With your right knee bent, place your right foot across your left knee. Your neck and head should be relaxed with your left hand at the side of your head and your right hand on the left side of your abdominals.

The Movement

Curl your body up with a twisting movement, bringing your left shoulder toward your right knee. "Unwind" as you slowly lower yourself back to the floor—touch your shoulders to the floor and repeat. After completing the set number of reps on the left side, switch to the right side and do the same.

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